Saturday, March 27, 2010

blame the boys.

haha so i totally just installed this app thingy on my mac that makes my keyboard sound like a typewriter...i guess i'm super easily amused cause i find it immensely entertaining, creative writing assignments just got a lotttt more fun! (:
i didn't go to practice this morning cause of stupid school issues and so i missed the football game at the end with the granada boys :(((( wahhh i'd bitch about it but i've decided i need to like get over things faster and just move on. haha we'll see how that goes.
so yea i was considering going into SF today to look at junior prom dresses cause now ours is like less than four weeks away but my mom is kinda annoyed at me for not going to school yesterday so i think i'll be a goody-two-shoes this week and get my bio seminar grade up so i can go nexttt weekend or sometime over spring break and she'll be willing to pay for a dress...and shoes...and yea. (:
ooh and i'm totally into this whole busking idea (like playing music on street corners?) and as far as i can tell it's totally like legal in SF...i wonder how much i could make, cause it's like a genius way to make money if you ask me. just hafta convince my mom..that might be slightly difficult. hm.
i just wrote this total crap piece of writing for my workshop on monday, i'm gonna be soooo embarrassed reading it out loud cause it's totally like about family shit and it's basically like a huuuge run on sentence so idkk. i hope feedback isn't too too bad but whatever it's not like i reallyyy care cause my creative writing class is full of complete losers so i'd still be cooler and smarter and prettier than them if i turned in total crapp.
kay i hafta make up hella english work so parr doesn't murder me. and i have to make up the run this morning. and i have to make this day somehow worthwhile...and prolly remodel like my entire room cause I might come over on monday, depending on which way my mood swings that day.
ooooh but new boy! C. he's fast and ripped and a total flirt, man i'm excited, i hope i can go places with him (: i just met him thursdayyy. man if i could feel like this afterrr i got a boy, my problems would be totally solved. but i'm only ever in it for the chase :/ i blame the boys.
ohwell pretty sure he's the one that posted on my formspring (: hehe
aaand it's sunny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes that totally deserved alllll those exclamation points, i'm a billion times happier when it's warm out. and i'm considering sucking up to my dad again so i can finallyyyyy get my license and go to south carolina in the summa.
kay this is turning into like an essay so imma stop.

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